Friday, May 28, 2010

Sex in the City

Hey friends,

I had the best time Thursday night. I went to see one of my favorite movies with two wonderful friends, we had such a great time!!! If you want to see a feel good, fashion forward movie then you need to see Sex in the City. I know the clothes are a little extreme, but they are so beautiful!!!

The one thing that I admire about the movie and who wrote it is that she takes it to a whole different level of confidence. These girls look great!!! They all have wonderful self esteem, and when you see how good they feel in what they have on, it makes you wonder why can't we be like that? I am not talking about wearing extreme outfits, I am talking about putting something on that looks great on you and feeling like you can take on the world. And that's what the gorgeous women do in Sex in the City!!!
So as crazy as this sounds, if you go and see this fabulous movie, be sure to take in everything, their personalities, Wardrobe, and self confidence . I feel sure you too will have, and want, the fun, positive, energy that these amazing women give out!
What a great movie!!! We all need to be like these ladies in some form or fashion ; )

If you want to pull off that Sex and the City look with out going overboard read this, or give me a call!!! I can help you get that look.

XXXXX To all my gorgeous Blogger friends.

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